Week 6: Resources and Experts

Meiyu Dong
2 min readJun 18, 2021

Secondary Resource:


Michael. “Is Tea Popular in America? Tea the USA Drink, With Data!” Tea How, 4 Feb. 2021, teahow.com/is-tea-popular-in-america-what-tea-they-drink-real-data/.

In this article, the author shows the current popularity of tea in America, which tea is still consumed in great quantities in the USA according to the Statistics report that in 2019, especially ice teas. He also summarizes the period of decline in tea popularity in America in the late 1700s and addresses the reasons for the reduction in tea popularity, one reason is the fear of contamination and infection from Chinese products.


Shmulik, Natalie. “Recapturing Discovery through Innovative Packaging Design.” Food Business News RSS, 4 Nov. 2020, www.foodbusinessnews.net/articles/16840-shelf-life-imitating-art.

The author talks about new innovative packaging designs that are implemented through Equal parts messaging, technical design, art and immersive experience, packaging to interact with the customers and influence their purchase decisions.


“Welcome to Churchill’s Fine Teas.” Churchill’s Fine Teas, www.churchillsteas.com/.

This is the brand website of Churchill’s Fine Teas, a tea shop that features globally premium teas, loose-leaf teas, and tea accessories located in the Findlay Market and Hyde Park. The website introduces the story of the brand and offers different tea categories with descriptions for each type of tea.


  1. Wuyi Rock Tea Entreperuner — Very familiar with Wuyi Rock tea, I found their official social media account and online store, trying to reach out to them on Weibo(a Chinese microblogging website), and currently waiting for their response.
  2. The owner/worker at Churchill’s Fine Teas —A premium tea shop located at Findlay Market and Hyde Park that offers the largest selection of loose leaf teas in the Midwest, founded by Kathleen Kern, a native of London, who was always searching for a good cup of tea. It’s interesting that I found they actually sell Wuyi rock tea on their website. I will visit the tea shop at Findlay Market this weekend for interviewing them about tea and audiences.
  1. Otto Printing— One of the oldest print shops in Northern Kentucky, specializing in all forms of printing, from letterpress to digital. I will reach out to Sam on tea packaging information.



Meiyu Dong

Communication Design Co-op Student at University of Cincinnati